Saturday, June 17, 2017

Body Positive: When the Power of Words Meet the Power of Self-Control

"A beautiful woman has long hair"

That 'popular' view affected my life for few days after I decided to embrace my old look: short bob (kalau kata hairstylist-nya bob disconnect...funny name, huh?). It's funny how that 'popular' view could make me insecure for few days, karena sebelumnya I won't be insecure hanya karena hal seperti itu. That insecurity came after some of my closest people (one of them is my boyfriend) told me that my new haircut is too short and not suited me well. After they told me so, i felt so disappointing at myself...meskipun seharusnya tidak perlu ada perasaan bersalah karena pada dasarnya my body is my authority, right?! Tapi that's what I feel at that time: insecure, ugly, and kinda hate myself....dan perasaan tersebut berlangsung for couple of days.

Beberapa hari kemudian, when I met my co-workers in the office, they were shocked ketika melihat penampilan baru gue...tapi, bukan kaget dalam arti yang buruk. Most of the people that I met in the office told me that I look pretty, more fresh, and younger with my new hairstyle. Tanggapan yang sangat berbeda dari apa yang gue dengar selama beberapa hari. Dalam hitungan detik setelah mendengar feedback positif tersebut, mood gue langsung saja berubah: from insecure and sad into superb happy and glad that I actually did something right. Perasaan tersebut tentunya membawa rasa percaya diri gue, yang sempat terpuruk, menuju langit ke tujuh dan in a second, that 'popular' view didnt mean anything for me at all.