Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017: 12 Months, 12 (big) Things that I'm Grateful at

"Be thankful of what you have; you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough" - Oprah Winfrey

Tahun 2017 akan berakhir dalam hitungan hari dan tentunya, merenungkan kehidupan kita selama kurang lebih 365 hari belakangan menjadi salah satu rutinitas yang dapat dilakukan sebagai persiapan di tahun yang baru. Melihat kembali tahun 2017, ada banyak cerita kehidupan, baik yang gue alami sendiri ataupun mendengar dari orang lain, yang memberikan kesan dan tentunya pelajaran berharga. Mulai dari pengalaman yang menggembirakan, membanggakan, menyenangkan, hingga yang menyedihkan, membuat marah dan terkesan suram berhasil menorehkan cerita dan ilmu tersendiri buat gue.

Before this year ends, I would like to share 12 things that i'm really grateful at that happened this year and share you a lil bit about the lesson i learnt.

  1. Had chance to learn from one of the biggest FMCG company in Indonesia & found out what I want for my career: As you know, I had an amazing 6 months internship on HR Department/Function in Unilever Indonesia. Setelah lulus kuliah, I thought I want to be a writer for magazine or online media. Tetapi dari pengalaman magang itulah, gue menemukan my true 'WHY' (also introduced me with Simon Sinek's Start with Why) for life and lead me to human resource (esp. on talent development) world for my career. 
  2. Hit the rock bottom to finally feel sure about the future: 2017 is definitely the rock bottom of my relationship with the man I love since 2008. We fight quite a lot in the first 6 month of 2017 but then we both realized what we really want  and create more concrete plan for our future, together.
  3. Had experienced living away from home and learned how to manage my life: Meski tidak benar-benar 'living away from home' karena masih sering dijengung oleh nyokab, but most of the time, I live alone during my internship programme. Selama ini, dari masa sekolah, gue selalu pulang-pergi dan gak pernah yang sampai nge-kos. So that moment was priceless karena gue dituntut harus bisa me-manage keuangan dengan baik, begitu juga waktu untuk kerja dan mengurus keadaan tempat tinggal.
  4. Learnt about self-control and earning someone's trust : Dari sejumlah pengalaman yang gue jalani di tahun 2017 ini, gue masih memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang mengendalikan diri, mengendalikan emosi, mengendalikan ego yang selama ini terlalu bebas. 
  5. Got my first (permanent) job on my 24th birthday: This is probably the highlight of 2017. Tanggal 6 Juni 2017, gue diundang untuk interview oleh a start-up company named Kalibrr as the final process of my application to be an intern. At night, just before the day ended, i received an offering letter for a permanent position as Client Success Associate. It was the best gift I ever received and can't stop saying Alhamdulillah for that.
  6. Had chance to sharpen my saw through my current job and help more people: Bekerja di Kalibrr as Client Success Associate membuka banyak kesempatan untuk gue mengasah kemampuan gue di dunia human resource lewat day-to-day job & proyek-proyek yang ada. The best part of it, I can help more people to get the job they wanted & company to get the right people to work for them.   
  7. Got chance to read more books this year (mostly) about self-improvement & leadership: Bisa dibilang, tahun ini gue cukup aktif untuk membaca buku jika dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Senang rasanya bisa membeli buku-buku bagus dengan uang hasil keringat sendiri dan dapat menyelesaikan buku-buku tersebut sambil merasa inspired by the story. I've finished Game Changer at the Circus by Jean-Francois Cousin, A New Model by Ashley Graham, Start with Why by Simon Sinek, and some other books. 
  8. Finally able to buy the device that I've been wanting since junior high school: Saat SMP dulu, gue mengidam-idamkan bisa punya macbook karena di masa itu, gue lagi super seneng ngedit foto dan buat poster via photoshop and from what I heard, macbook is the device that I really need. Setelah hampir 11 tahun, I finally able to buy one!
  9. Able to conquer my fear of starting : 2011-2012 was a roller coaster for me dan menjadi salah satu periode yang mempengaruhi munculnya anxiety of starting new thing. Alhamdulillah, setelah bertahun-tahun harus merasa insecure ketika memulai hal baru, tahun ini ketakutan itu semakin berkurang. and I feel more confidence to start somethin new.
  10. Meet a lot of people and have chance to learn from them: Beside from work, gue juga berkesempatan untuk ketemu dan belajar dari beberapa inspirational person from a conference & some classes I attended this year. 
  11. Have more time to spend with people that I love in 2017: especially my mom. Mengingat lokasi kantor yang masih possible kalau gue harus pulang pergi, my mom always there to drop me to the nearest transjakarta station and I'm so happy to spend more time with her, listening to her story from work and what she experienced that day. 
  12. Still have things to be grateful at every single day: Menghabiskan 1/3 hari gue di jalanan memberikan waktu khusus untuk gue merenung dan reflect back. Knowing that I still have a lot of things to be grateful at every single day, make me feel blessed and of course, grateful. Meski di hari itu gue mengalami rough day, senang rasanya bisa merenung sejenak di perjalanan pulang dan merasa bersyukur. 

So that's all....12 things that I'm grateful at this year & also a summary of my life in 2017. For next year, I hope I can keep the positive vibe in my life by being grateful of life and share the same vibe for people around me.

Don't forget to stay positive & be grateful!

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