2018 is getting closer, and December always be the month of reflection to me. I've experienced a lot of things this year, dari yang baik...hingga yang menantang. Whatever happened, I can't stop saying Alhamdulillah, because I still have the opportunity to learn and be a better version of myself in the end of the day.
For some people, I'm a positive person...always see the bright side of every darkness...always find the reason to be grateful no matter how tough the life is. But the truth is, I'm not always that positive...I'm not always a grateful person. Selalu ada saat dimana gue melupakan prinsip gue: whatever happened, life is a bless. Time is always be the best slapper for me...mungkin butuh beberapa waktu untuk gue menyadari bahwa hal-hal yang burukpun wajib disyukuri karena menjadi kesempatan untuk selalu belajar.
Speaking about being grateful, setiap Senin pagi, my director always ask the team to mention at least 3 things that we grateful at during the week. Sound easy right? It actually is! Rutinitas tersebut-lah yang mengilhami gue untuk kembali menulis seputar body positive saat ini (after such a looong...loong break from blogging). Why? Because 'gratitude' is the reason why i write about body positive at the beginning.
Ketertarikan gue untuk membahas tentang isu body positive berawal dari rasa kesal kepada seorang kenalan yang tiada henti mengeluhkan ukuran badannya...'duh gue gendutan banget nih'..... padahal kalau dilihat, ukuran tubuhnya tidak sebesar itu (even smaller than me!). Apa yang mereka keluhkan itu mengganggu gue....sangat mengganggu. Kenapa? Karena gue yang memiliki tubuh lebih besar santai-santai aja dengan ukuran tubuh, but why she can't show some gratitude on the body she have? Kondisi tersebut tidak hanya dilakukan oleh satu orang...tapi banyak orang di sekitar gue.
Gue pun berfikir, these girls might need a lesson from someone who actually fat and big...bigger than them. So why don't I share my perspective on being a plus-size women to teach 'em a lesson...a reminder to be grateful?
Then, I did it. I shared my perspective on how it feels like to be a plus size women, especially in Indonesia. Where i feel stressful to find proper clothes, get a partner for my life, being said 'makin gede aja kamu' every time i meet my family member, etc. Through that post, i want them to know that they should be grateful of who they are....of the body they have right now. Apalagi karena masih banyak orang di luar sana yang harus berjuang mati-hatian untuk bisa memiliki tubuh langsing seperti mereka in order to 'fit the society perspective about beautiful women'. One and two comments showed up on that blog post, saying that they feel the same way like I did. As a plus size women, we are not only pressed to be fit with 'ideal beauty standard' by society, but also feel stressful to handle people who love to do fat talk in front of us! Those facts encouraged me to write more about living the life as plus-size woman in order to teach them how to be more grateful and teach fellow plus-size women to stick together and be happy with our condition at this moment.
Ketertarikan gue untuk membahas tentang isu body positive berawal dari rasa kesal kepada seorang kenalan yang tiada henti mengeluhkan ukuran badannya...'duh gue gendutan banget nih'..... padahal kalau dilihat, ukuran tubuhnya tidak sebesar itu (even smaller than me!). Apa yang mereka keluhkan itu mengganggu gue....sangat mengganggu. Kenapa? Karena gue yang memiliki tubuh lebih besar santai-santai aja dengan ukuran tubuh, but why she can't show some gratitude on the body she have? Kondisi tersebut tidak hanya dilakukan oleh satu orang...tapi banyak orang di sekitar gue.
Gue pun berfikir, these girls might need a lesson from someone who actually fat and big...bigger than them. So why don't I share my perspective on being a plus-size women to teach 'em a lesson...a reminder to be grateful?
Then, I did it. I shared my perspective on how it feels like to be a plus size women, especially in Indonesia. Where i feel stressful to find proper clothes, get a partner for my life, being said 'makin gede aja kamu' every time i meet my family member, etc. Through that post, i want them to know that they should be grateful of who they are....of the body they have right now. Apalagi karena masih banyak orang di luar sana yang harus berjuang mati-hatian untuk bisa memiliki tubuh langsing seperti mereka in order to 'fit the society perspective about beautiful women'. One and two comments showed up on that blog post, saying that they feel the same way like I did. As a plus size women, we are not only pressed to be fit with 'ideal beauty standard' by society, but also feel stressful to handle people who love to do fat talk in front of us! Those facts encouraged me to write more about living the life as plus-size woman in order to teach them how to be more grateful and teach fellow plus-size women to stick together and be happy with our condition at this moment.
Until one day, circa end of 2015 gue menyadari bahwa the root cause of fat talk and ungrateful expression about their body muncul karena pandangan masyarakat. We believe in the idea of 'ideal woman' = 'bertubuh ideal'. Jarang ada yang menekankan untuk 'love your body, no matter what size you are, what skin color you have...no matter who you are' dan 'embrace your uniqueness'.
I did some research on definition of beauty from other country by reading some articles & following some movement such as Eff your Beauty Standard by Tess Holiday and #BeautyBeyondSize by my role model, Ashley graham. Hasil riset itu itu menuntun gue pada kesimpulan bahwa kecantikan itu sifatnya relatif, apa yang dianggap cantik di suatu komunitas/kelompok belum tentu sama dengan kelompok lain. Namun pandangan itu memang belum terlalu populer di masyarakat. Then, in order to share this positive thought...positive moment, I decided to spread the body positivity message through my blog. My blog is not only the platform to share my perspective on being a plus-size women, but also to spread my perspective in self-love as the form of gratitude for the body you have right now.
Body positive adalah term yang gue gunakan untuk menyebarkan pesan-pesan positif terkait dengan body image issue yang sering kita hadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari....term yang sesuai untuk mengingatkan bahwa dengan mencintai diri sendiri, dalam keadaan apapun, kita menunjukkan bentuk syukur kita kepada Sang Pencipta atas tubuh yang telah diberikan kepada kita. I'm happy that some of my friends, after reading my blog posts, feel better about themselves...stop (or less) doing fat talk....and of course, feel grateful about their life.
Bagi sejumlah orang, when I speak about this issue, body positive yang dilontarkan sejumlah pihak (especially plus-size women) adalah sebatas 'alasan' untuk bisa tetap makan, memiliki tubuh besar, dan tidak menjadi sehat. Well, in my opinion, having positive thought about yourself & accepting your condition is actually good for your health, especially on mental health. Siapa yang tidak merasa lelah terus menerus 'ditekan' oleh padangan masyarakat tentang ideal beauty?
I personally believe, ketika pikiran kita bahagia, tubuh kita juga secara otomatis menjadi lebih sehat dan produktifitas bisa tetap terjaga. Kita juga semakin sadar untuk terus menjaga tubuh kita lewat makanan yang kita konsumsi, kegiatan sehari-hari yang kita lakukan dan terus berfikir positif. So body positive is not a reason for someone to be not healthy because they accept any condition that happened to them...body positive is the reason for someone to maintain their health, physically and mentally.
For me, body positive is always about being grateful about the body that you have....is always about how to maintain your mental and physical balance....is always about be who you are and let the world see you as yourself.
To be honest, in this thoughtful 2017, i didn't really taking care of myself..not always being grateful about my body. So i guess I already found my 2018 resolution: stay grateful of the body you have by taking such a good care of it and share a lot more about body positive to the world!
I did some research on definition of beauty from other country by reading some articles & following some movement such as Eff your Beauty Standard by Tess Holiday and #BeautyBeyondSize by my role model, Ashley graham. Hasil riset itu itu menuntun gue pada kesimpulan bahwa kecantikan itu sifatnya relatif, apa yang dianggap cantik di suatu komunitas/kelompok belum tentu sama dengan kelompok lain. Namun pandangan itu memang belum terlalu populer di masyarakat. Then, in order to share this positive thought...positive moment, I decided to spread the body positivity message through my blog. My blog is not only the platform to share my perspective on being a plus-size women, but also to spread my perspective in self-love as the form of gratitude for the body you have right now.
Body positive adalah term yang gue gunakan untuk menyebarkan pesan-pesan positif terkait dengan body image issue yang sering kita hadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari....term yang sesuai untuk mengingatkan bahwa dengan mencintai diri sendiri, dalam keadaan apapun, kita menunjukkan bentuk syukur kita kepada Sang Pencipta atas tubuh yang telah diberikan kepada kita. I'm happy that some of my friends, after reading my blog posts, feel better about themselves...stop (or less) doing fat talk....and of course, feel grateful about their life.
Bagi sejumlah orang, when I speak about this issue, body positive yang dilontarkan sejumlah pihak (especially plus-size women) adalah sebatas 'alasan' untuk bisa tetap makan, memiliki tubuh besar, dan tidak menjadi sehat. Well, in my opinion, having positive thought about yourself & accepting your condition is actually good for your health, especially on mental health. Siapa yang tidak merasa lelah terus menerus 'ditekan' oleh padangan masyarakat tentang ideal beauty?
I personally believe, ketika pikiran kita bahagia, tubuh kita juga secara otomatis menjadi lebih sehat dan produktifitas bisa tetap terjaga. Kita juga semakin sadar untuk terus menjaga tubuh kita lewat makanan yang kita konsumsi, kegiatan sehari-hari yang kita lakukan dan terus berfikir positif. So body positive is not a reason for someone to be not healthy because they accept any condition that happened to them...body positive is the reason for someone to maintain their health, physically and mentally.
For me, body positive is always about being grateful about the body that you have....is always about how to maintain your mental and physical balance....is always about be who you are and let the world see you as yourself.
To be honest, in this thoughtful 2017, i didn't really taking care of myself..not always being grateful about my body. So i guess I already found my 2018 resolution: stay grateful of the body you have by taking such a good care of it and share a lot more about body positive to the world!
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